Music is great. dont you think so?
can u just imagine wat our life would be without it?
quiet.sad.boring.just sucks.

Theres alot of different types of music.
pop,classic,jazz,acoustic,blues,heavy metal,rock,country,hip hop,traditional,punk rock, and electronic music. theres actually many more but my head cant fit everything sorry.

Just so you know, the ever popular trance and techno which is used by shufflers to err shuffle, is under electronic music.

Music is a way of life.
Without it people cant party.
Without it people cant dance their ass off.
Without it people cant high even if they drank shots after shots of Jack Daniels.
People listen to different types of music depending on their mood.
People listen to different types of music depending on their type.
Some love em all.
Some are so damn loyal they dont like genres other than the songs they like.
But i believe everyone loves music.right?

I like music that somehow has a meaning.
music that rocks.
music that made me head pops.
music that just sounds nice.
When im sad.. i listen to music!
When im happy..i listen to music!
When im confused.. i listen to music!
In fact, i cant sleep without my radio on.music!

I love music.Music means the everything to me.
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