Sunday, May 17, 2009

So get back, back, back to the disaster.

did you know that the 1st victim of pig flu(H1N1) was found on wednesday at Sungai Buluh?
did you know that the 2nd victim of pig flu(H1N1) was found on saturday at Penang?
did you know that they were both from the same flight (MH091) and a total of 192 people was on the plane?
did you know that theres no cure for pig flu (H1N1)?
did you know that viagra used to be a medicine for heart attack?wtf no kidding.
did you know that midterm starts on wednesday?
did you know that JensenWongChaiYoun doesnt even know how to draw a paralellogram?HAHA
anyways, all the best to everyone for the midterm exams.

how can something so deliciously sexy be so damn deadly?

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