Wishing my Hindu friends and everyone a Happy Deepavali. May this Festival of Lights witness the triumph of Good over Evil.
Wherever there is light
Darkness must take flight
Evil can’t stand anything bright
Let’s use light to remove all blight.
-this was found on a friends blog.
anyways, 27th-30th is the annually held Usaha Camp.
Im proud to say im going and will be the assistant patrol leader for Patrol Mangkuk.
Im even more proud to say my patrol leader is NG AIK JEAN.
yes, the one and only.
i kinda already somehow guessed that she was gonna be my patrol leader.
When i told her, she was laughing and probably prayin for it not to happen.
When we were told that it was true, she was laughing and cursing at the same time.
Just to let you know, im not vimel. im not as dedicated as him. i'm not as scoutfreak as him. i'm not as knowledgeable as him. and i'm definitely not as *creative* like him in ways of revenge.
i will try my best not to screw up and help you aikjean =D
sorry for everything that i will do and not do.
let's jj it?
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