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tagged by robyn :)
1. Do you think you are hot ?
2. Upload a favourite picture of yourself ...

3. Why do u like the pictures ?
Because victoria is in it.
4. When is the last time you ate pizza ?
3 weeks ago.
5. The last song you listened to?
Hawk Nelson- Everything you ever wanted
6. What are you doing right now besides this ?
Playing with my NSDPowerball and talking to my neighbour.
7. What name you prefer besides your name ?
Jensen sounds nice.
Tag 5 people :
1. Jane
2. Tanusha
3. Mary
4. Aikjean
8. Who is number 1 ?
My always available neighbour :D
9. Who is number 3 having a relationship with ?
Josh ahahaha
10. Say Something about number 5 .
loves to ask me for sweets. Happy 14th birthday ;)
11. Number 4 .
Kengchao patrol leader *yeevonne too*
12. Who is number 2 ?
My great class monitor and good friend.
p/s. never play the game of life with yee vonne. pure cheater ahahah.
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